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ROB NAPIER LEARNING SERIES: TOWARDS A SUCCESSFUL FAMILY FARM FUTURE After visiting 60 countries over 50 years studying the world’s leading farmers, Australian farmer and business consultant Rob Napier has joined Farm Management Canada to put together a series of...
Peter Erik Ywema is the General Manager of the Sustainable Agricultural Initiative Platform, which includes 25 food company members such as Unilever, Danone and Nestle. The SAI Platform allows company representatives to discuss their supply chain issues in a...
Innovation of Risk is a website dedicated to engaging in the conversation on enhancing risk management. Finance and accounting, operational risk and compliance risk management, scenario planning and business strategy, online business, technology, project management....
Resource for starting an HR plan, prepared by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Overview Getting Started Needs Assessment Job Description Recruiting Hiring Templates Summary Human Resources Websites References Click here to access the...
Developing human resource strategies is a good investment. Strategic HR specialist Dr. Sara Mann shares how to attract and retain employees that are the best fit for your operation. She also explains how to be a competitive employer without spending too much money....