Critical State – Inability to Communicate

A few weeks ago, we opened a dialogue on Critical State which is defined as “the point at which something triggers a change in the basic nature or character of the object or group,” or to paraphrase: something can be referred to as being in a critical state when...

The Keys to Effective Feedback

We’ve all been there. Our boss in passing tells us that they would like to talk to us and to come by their office this afternoon. We immediately start hearing the theme music from Jaws playing in our head and no matter how good our relationship with our boss we start...

Uncertainty and Change

It is not uncommon to hear, “The only constant around here is change.”  A  supplier goes out of business, there’s a need for a change in structure, an introduction of a new product or initiative, a need to replace and update tech-nology, or...

Habits – Good and Bad

Our habits are important in establishing how we behave and how others perceive us.  I worked with a supervisor who was habitually discrediting employees with negative body language and derogatory comments.  It took great effort, but he was able to establish new habits...

Why is Continuing Professional Development useful?

Agriculture has undergone a massive period of change in the last 20 years and this will continue in the future. It is a necessity for the profitability of individual farmers that agriculture becomes recognised as the all-embracing economy in rural areas. The main...

Learn How to Find the ‘Right’ Employee

When businesses begin to grow it usually requires hiring employees;  which is a good indicator that the business is doing well. However, for many small businesses finding, hiring and retaining employees can be a difficult task.  In addition to being time consuming,...