Market Access Important in Global Marketplace

Like many Canadian agricultural commodities, canola is extremely dependent on export markets. Disease, GMOs and pesticide residues can all challenge market access. “The entire impact of growing, processing, handling and marketing canola contributes $15.4 billion to...

New Diagnostic Tools for Improving Fertilizer Management

Researchers develop innovative diagnostic tools for measuring beneficial soil fungi in farmers’ fields, important to plant health and nutrient uptake. In crop production, improving plant health and soil fertility is key to maximizing yield and profitability. A better...

New business skills for the digital age

Ron Bonnett laughs when he recalls the early days of the Internet. “I can remember people saying, ‘Well, what we will ever use this for?’” says the Canadian Federation of Agriculture president. “Now before making any decision, we go to the Internet to do some...

Fresh Perspective on Mobile Crop Scouting Apps

Smartphones are becoming more entrenched in the daily life of a farmer. Having email and web access is certainly a big plus to the devices, but the applications make their effectiveness even stronger. Speaking anecdotally to farmers, a weather app is always the most...

Managing Wetlands for Grazing and Biodiversity

Researchers assess impact of livestock use on intermountain wetlands, vegetation, biodiversity and waterfowl. In the intermountain west and prairie pothole regions, freshwater depressional wetlands are dispersed throughout rangelands. These wetlands are very important...

Manitoulin Island Community Abattoir

Local producer-led initiative and partners build abattoir to benefit producers, consumers and the community. The Manitoulin Island Community Abattoir Inc. (MICA) is an incorporated not-for-profit organization of local, livestock, producer-members formed to build and...

Fresh Perspectives on Tools… Pinterest

These days, it seems as though a new social media app appears to the masses every day.  There are so many to sift through, it can be difficult to choose which ones will work best for you, let alone figure out what they actually do.  For many, Pinterest is...

Does innovation necessarily equal expense?

We live in a moving world where innovation is part of our daily lives. How could it be any different? Many of the things we used to work with barely ten years ago have changed drastically. Phone and mail, once the two main means of communication, are steadily being...

Planting the seeds of change

A brilliant, out-of-the-box idea can certainly revolutionize a farm business. But there’s another route – nurturing an idea with potential and seeing where it leads you. Does it take a light-bulb moment to transform a farm business? The producers featured in this...