Award for advancing farm business management now accepting nominations

Farm Management Canada is seeking to honour individuals or groups with the 2018 Wilson Loree Award. This prestigious award was established over fifteen years ago, to honour those that have made an extraordinary contribution to developing and promoting new and positive change in agricultural business management practices and expertise in Canada.

FMC encourages the nomination of individuals or groups that:

  • have made significant contributions in the area of business management regionally or nationally;
  • have demonstrated innovation in areas such as turning research into practical management tools, adapting best practices from other sectors to agriculture, and finding new ways to deliver training, information and resources to farm managers;
  • have served as a role model and a mentor to colleagues, partners and clients, inspiring them to achieve their full potential;
  • have demonstrated the ability to network and develop partnerships to include others in furthering the shared goals and vision of the agriculture industry

Nominations are required by October 5, 2018. FMC Staff and Board members are not eligible for the award. The winner will be revealed during the Agricultural Excellence Conference on Tuesday November 27th. All are welcome to attend.

Do you know someone who has made an extraordinary contribution to developing and promoting new and positive change in farm business management practices and expertise in Canada?

Nominate them for the Wilson Loree Award today!

Visit for more information on the Award and the Conference.

About the Award

The Wilson Loree award is named after Wilson Loree who retired as Branch Head of Agriculture Business Management after 27 years with Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. A past director and one of the founders of the Canadian Farm Business Management Council (now Farm Management Canada), he has been cited as “an individual who exemplifies innovation, wisdom, and a constant focus on the farm manager and the farm family.” Learn more

About Farm Management Canada
A national umbrella for Canadian farm business management activity, Farm Management Canada is the only organization devoted exclusively to the development and delivery of advanced business management information, tools and resources to position Canada’s farmers for success.

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For more information contact:
Farm Management Canada
Heather Watson, Executive Director
300-250 City Centre Ave., Ottawa (Ontario) K1R 6K7
Telephone: 1-888-232-3262 Fax: 1-800-270-8301
Email: info(at)