Hello Farm Management Enthusiasts,

As of Monday, March 16, Farm Management Canada’s office in Ottawa is closed until further notice. Our staff will work from home and continue to offer all of our regular services.

Yesterday, Ottawa’s Chief Medical Officer advised residents to “limiting non-essential trips out of the home and making efforts to maintain a distance of 1 to 2 meters from other people as much as possible. We are asking people to, if possible, keep their children home from daycare and to check with their employers about options for working from home or implementing social distancing at work.” Many other cities and provinces across the country are advising the same logic to flatten the curve of the virus, ensuring it doesn’t continue to spread, and keeping those more vulnerable, safe.

The decision was made on Friday afternoon to cancel the 3 upcoming training sessions titled Roots to Success – Risk Management Training. They were scheduled for March 16th in Guelph (ON), March 26th in Drummondville (QC), and April 7th in Canmore (AB). These training sessions will be rescheduled when governments determine that is is safe for gatherings to resume. We apologize to those who were scheduled to attend. Stay tuned for our new dates.

These are trying times in Canada, but although it has become difficult to meet in person and participate in learning events, it is important to stay connected and to look towards online tools to fill that gap and continue to advance your farm business management skills.

We would like to highlight some great resources you can explore:

  • Take in an Agriwebinar! Our newly designed website www.Agriwebinar.com is full of useful videos on a variety of farm management topics. Use the search function to explore over 200 archived presentations from industry experts. Interested in moving your in person learning program or meetings online? Did you have planned events, but are now looking at alternative ways to reach your attendees? Farm Management Canada can help with Agriwebinar. We would be happy to discuss options to hold virtual gatherings with your members or the public. Please contact Mathieu Lipari, Program Manager at mathieu(at)old.fmc-gac.com.
  • Have you checked out the National Farm Business Management Resource Centre at www.TakeANewAppoach.ca? Whether you’re starting a farm, growing your farm, or transitioning your farm, our resource centre contains the tools to help you along the way.
  • Have your say! A ground-breaking 2015 study titled Dollars and Sense revealed the success of any farm enterprise is directly related to the business management practices of the farm manager. It has been 5 years since the first Dollars and Sense study. Now in 2020, we want to take a deeper dive into understanding the barriers and drivers of adopting farm business management practices on Canada’s farms, and how industry can help. To participate, click here to visit our webpage and take the survey. Everyone who completes the survey will be entered into a draw to win 2 free registrations to our Agricultural Excellence Conference taking place online December 8-10, 2020.

Even though we are not in the office, our entire team is still busy working; connecting with others in the industry and planning for the days and months ahead. Please feel free to connect with us as well.

Stay Safe,
Farm Management Canada