BC Producers –

What does agricultural excellence look like to you?

Start snapping for the BC AgEx photo contest and you could WIN an all-expense paid trip to AgEx2018!

Take a photo that represents agricultural excellence to you and post it to Facebook and/or Twitter using the handle @FMC_GAC and #BCAgEx and you can win an all-expense paid trip to Agricultural Excellence Conference taking place November 26-28 2018 in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

3 winners will be selected!

Winners will be selected based on the following:

Quality of the photo submitted
Relevance to the question posed: “What does agricultural excellence look like to you?”
Compliance with eligibility criteria

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Contestant must be a producer
  • Contestant must post to either Twitter or Facebook using #BCAgEx and @FMC_GAC
  • Contestant must reside in British Columbia and be a Canadian citizen
Don’t delay! Contest closes Friday November 2, 2018

Winning photos will be featured on FMC’s social media channels and showcased at AgEx2018!

Winners will be required to submit a brief report on their experience and learnings to the BC Ministry of Agriculture upon conclusion of the Conference.

Disclaimer: Farm Management Canada and the BC Ministry of Agriculture reserve the right to use photoes submitted for promotional purposes.

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