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Communications & Marketing Strategy Internship Start Date: August 10, 2020 End Date: March 31, 2021 Duration: 37.5 hours per week Compensation: $18/hour Requirements: applicant must be 30 years of age or younger & a Canadian Citizen Summary Farm...
When: Thursday, July 9 1pm – 3pm ET Where: Audio Teleconference + Videoconference Audio: 1-833-297-9916 (English) or 1-825-312-2372 (French) Visual: Go to http://wflc.adobeconnect.com/agm-aga/ and enter as a Guest (enter your full name). Reference Materials: AGM...
Your feedback is important to us. Please take a moment to fill out our Annual Performance Survey Whether you subscribe to our information and updates, participate in our Agricultural Excellence Conference, Agriwebinar program, National Farm Leadership Program, have...
These are trying times in Canada, and although it has become difficult to meet in person and participate in learning events, there are many opportunities to stay connected online and continue to advance your farm business management practices. Here are some excellent...
Notice is hereby given that nominations to Farm Management Canada’s Board of Directors are officially open. Members in good standing, motivated to contribute to the governance of Canada’s only national organization dedicated to supporting farm business management best...