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Do you know someone who has made an extraordinary contribution to developing and promoting new and positive change in farm business management practices and expertise in Canada? Nominate them for the Wilson Loree Award today! Farm Management Canada is seeking to...
A NEW website to help farmers prepare for emergencies, contingency plan and improve their capacity to face uncertainty. Ask questions. Get answers. Find resources. Farm Management Canada has put together a new interactive website that will allow producers to ask all...
Sponsorship & Support Opportunity FarmTransitionGuide.ca: A Farm Transition Toolkit Over the next 10 years, 75% farms will change hands, yet only 8% of farmers have a written transition plan. This uncertainty about the future of the farm is putting tremendous...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Farm Management Canada Welcomes a New Director, Thanks its Champions, Celebrates Success at Annual Meeting Farm Management Canada would like to thank everyone who participated in this year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM was held...
Making Dollars & Sense Study Update Exploring the Drivers and Barriers to Farm Business Management New report reveals over the past 5 years, there has been no increase in the adoption of business management practices – farmers feel they are succeeding without...