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Exploring the Connection Between Mental Health and Farm Business Management

Farm Management Canada is partnering with Farm Credit Canada (FCC) to explore the connection between mental health and farm business management in Ag production.

If you are involved in Ag production, we would like to invite you to participate in our upcoming online survey to help us understand how best to support farmer mental health and well-being through business support services.

Farm Management Canada is proud to conduct this unique study through an in-kind partnership with the FCC Vision Panel – Canada’s largest agriculture research panel where members can share their ideas and opinions about Canadian agriculture on a variety of topics. To date, the Vision Panel is comprised of over 4000 Canadians from all areas of agriculture who regularly participate in online surveys conducted by the Vision research team.

Participation in Vision research is always voluntary, and you may opt out of the panel at any time. Earn FCC Vision points, which can be redeemed for gift cards or Prepaid Visa cards, by joining the panel and participating in Vision surveys.

To ensure panelist confidentiality, Vision survey responses are aggregated, and your personal information will not be shared outside of FCC Vision nor used for sales purposes. All survey participants will have access to the results of the study following the analysis of the responses.

If you are involved in Ag production and interested in participating in the Farm Management Canada mental health study, please click on the link below to register for the Vision Panel before December 5:

I would like to join Vision & participate in the Mental Health survey

If you are already a Vision member who is involved in Ag production and would like to participate in the Mental Health survey, please click here to indicate your interest.

For more information regarding the study, please contact:

Denise Rollin
Project Manager
Farm Management Canada
300-250 av. City Centre Ave.
Ottawa (Ontario) K1R 6K7
Tel/Tél 1-888-232-3262 ext./poste 32